Lies in the Purity of Your Athletic Style!

Sparkling Cleanliness for a Perfect Winter!

in Impeccable Purity!

Loyalty card

Loyalty card


01.09 /  2020
Loyalty card
Use Contrast Dry cleaning services 4 times or place one order with a value of 3000 rub and you will get receive a Loyal Customer card with 10% discount on all the Services offered by Contrast Dry Cleaning.
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High quality
Unique technologies, experienced technologists and top-class service provided through our extensive and convenient network of Collection Points and Express Dry Cleaners.
Always nearby
86 сollection рoints and delivery 24/7 in Moscow and St Petersburg.
Everything for your convenience
Our customer loyalty card opens access to special offers.

Home / News

11.01 / 2024

Сollection point in Saint-Petersburg

The collection point "Contrast" in Saint-Petersburg is closed

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14.09 / 2023

Repair of the collection point

The Contrast dry cleaning collection point on Pokryshkina street 5 is open.

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