
28.07 /  2022

The Mystery of the Odor

Where does the odor come from? What is it caused by? Why do substances have different smells? These questions have worried people long for eternity with no clear answer. This mystery was born together with human race.

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28.07 /  2022

Horses – harness care

Horses are unique, interesting animals full of grace. They are easily trained by people. The Horse is probably the most responsive animal, as it fully replicates the mood and manners of its owner. These animals are large in size but extremely kind.

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28.07 /  2022

Expensive spots

One awkward movement and a wine stain spreads over the tablecover or favourite dress or snow-white shirt.

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15.04 /  2021

Dry cleaning: from beginning to today

The idea how to keep clothes clean appeared at the same time when people began to cover body with animal skins. It’s hardly to believe that primeval people took care about spots, but there is no doubt that warm comfortable clothes was one of the most important term of survival when the period of mild tropical climate passed off.

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02.03 /  2021

Textiles in the home

The atmosphere of home comfort contains unique little things, which gives each home its distinctive spirit, assembled like parts of mysterious puzzle. And to achieve this one of the main parts of the puzzle belongs to home textiles , that are able to breathe warmth and charm into every corner of your sweet home.

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02.03 /  2021

Bag – the most important detail of the image.

Nowadays you can hardly imagine woman of any age and occupation, who are able to go out without a bag. Ladies have trust in their everlasting companions so different kinds of secrets. Often clutch or reticule tells about their owner no less than personal dairy.

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28.01 /  2021

Новый взгляд на скатерть

Постелить на стол красивую, нарядную, отглаженную скатерть — наверное, самый простой и быстрый способ преобразить интерьер и создать праздничное настроение в доме.

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28.01 /  2021

Советы по хранению и уход за мехом

Слагаемые успеха - ежегодная химчистка шубы, проветривание, хранение в необходимых условиях и своевременная реставрация.

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28.01 /  2021

How to iron shirt correctly?

Only very proficient housewives are able to achieve an ideal result, because you have to deal with a lot of difficulties with small details, folds near the cuff and creases. Pressing of one shirt accurately can often take 15 minutes.

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