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The Mystery of the Odor

Smell is the only one of all our five senses, the nature of which is still not fully understood by scientists.
Recently there is a growing belief that smell is associated with electromagnetic vibrations of molecules. Scientists have to put additional efforts to turn hypotheses into proven theories.
Michael V/. Lomonosov was the first who pitched an idea about the true nature of odor, and nowadays the majority of scientists adhere to it. As long ago as 1765 he wrote about oscillative (rotary) movements of ether’s particles as a irritant for organ of senses, including sight and smell.
However, the human being uses smells for several millennia, creating different fragrances. The creations of craftsmen in ancient civilizations surprises us even now.
During the excavation of the Egyptian pharaoh King Tut Tomb there were found balms and fragrances which have kept their marvelous aroma till nowadays.
Odors surround. According to the researchers, the sense of smell allows people to catch on only 2 to 10% of incoming information, but in the mean time, it plays the most important role in managing their mentality. Fragrances have a great influence on our subconscious. For example, sweet aroma of white honey immediately causes the feel of calmness, nice, or vice versa, there are smells that might cause anxiety, sadness and even anger. Psychologists insist that men and women have different attitude to odors. For women fragrances mean much more than for men, it helps women to feel more confident.
Odor perception changes with the age. According to the research, children are absolutely tolerant to the fragrances that are unpleasant for adults. So it follows that people have no inherent reaction to the aroma of the particular substance and any odor is connected first of all with private attitude.
Perfume aroma, cigarette, fire or our body smell, which permeate into clothes, could give someone hard times.
Air and substance molecules move permanently, and substance molecules penetrate into the space between air molecules, punch them and change place, so it allows them to remain in clothes for a long time.
The easiest way to keep clothes fresh is to air them. But it makes sense only in days when there is air movement. Just hang items on the balcony, open the windows and leave for the night. Precaution: this procedure will not cope with persistent odors, but helps to eliminate light ones. Dry cleaning is the most safe way to get rid of unpleasant smells.
If dry cleaning is prohibited or the scent is especially persistent, like the smells of the animals or burnt odor, the only way is to treat clothes is in an ozone camera. Ozone treatment reliably and safely takes off unpleasant scents and allergens from any items, such as (clothes, shoes, home textiles), restoring their original freshness.